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This artwork explores themes of relationships, power dynamics, duality and feminist friendships with an emphasis on the underrated element of fun. It exposes the barebones of a friendship through the inadequacy and awkward comedy of a quasi-theatre/performance translated into video artwork, blurring the lines between rehearsal and performance, script and improvisation, acting and non-acing, making the ‘reality of the work’ ambiguous. 

Fools Like Us aims to point a mirror at the audience and consider how they may operate in their own ‘duo’ or ‘pair’ and ask themselves: which persona do I relate to?

The artwork’s energy draws upon the fun, often cringeworthy an light-hearted semiotics of a feminist friendship and is a subtle rebellion against the dominant hetero-romantic relationship we see in pop culture today. The narrative is a meta-commentary translated through a mysterious voice of reason, one of many manifestations of an orientational to others relationship, telling the tale of two individuals whose duality takes over their individuality as people; as one assumes the ‘alpha’ position, deciding when they eat together to create a social experience.

Kate Spink & Dom Mars

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